Amber Howells
Class every Friday in November '23 will be with Amber Howells at Chapter Arts, Cardiff
About Amber
My teaching principles are grounded in play, joy, and connection. As a socially and ecologically engaged dance artist, passionate about both heels and contemporary dance, I strive to bridge the gap between movement, sensuality, and our natural world. Merging the empowerment and exploration sides of my expertise, I’ll invite you to find and express your distinct, fierce flare on the dancefloor.
About the class
My class is an encouragement of connection - to oneself, to others, and to the Earth. Through sensory exploration and playful imagery, we will dismantle old movement patterns, making way for the emergence of fresh, shared movement possibilities. In this lighthearted environment, you’ll have the freedom to find your groove, embrace your quirks and let your inner child run wild. There will be opportunities for contact work, collaboration and close proximity, with an emphasis on responding to one another within the space. Ample room will be provided for ideas to settle into the body, allowing for moments of introspection and observation. Starting slow and building in intensity, it's a class to quiet the mind, breathe into the body, and let loose, finding the joy and unity in movement.
Am Amber
Mae fy egwyddorion dysgu yn seiliedig ar chwarae, hwyl a chysylltu. Dwi’n artist dawns sydd yn ymgysylltu’n gymdeithasol ac yn ecolegol, ac yn angerddol am ddawns gyfoes a dawns â sodlau. Gan gyfuno ochrau grymuso ac archwilio fy arbenigedd, byddaf yn eich gwahodd i ddod o hyd i'ch fflachiad ffyrnig, unigryw ar y llawr dawnsio a'i fynegi.
Am Ddosbarth
Mae fy nosbarth yn annog cysylltiad - i chi'ch hun, i eraill, ac i'r Ddaear. Trwy archwilio synhwyraidd a delweddau chwareus, byddwn yn datgymalu hen batrymau symud, gan wneud lle i ymddangosiad posibiliadau symud ffres, a rennir. Yn yr amgylchedd ysgafn hwn, bydd gennych ryddid i ddod o hyd i'ch rhigol, cofleidio'ch quirks a gadael i'ch plentyn mewnol redeg yn wyllt. Bydd cyfleoedd ar gyfer gwaith cyswllt, cydweithio ac agosrwydd, gyda phwyslais ar ymateb i'w gilydd o fewn y gofod. Darperir digon o le i syniadau setlo yn y corff, gan ganiatáu am eiliadau o fewnsylliad ac arsylwi. Gan ddechrau'n araf ac adeiladu mewn dwyster, mae'n ddosbarth i dawelu'r meddwl, anadlu i'r corff, a gollwng yn rhydd, gan ddod o hyd i'r llawenydd a'r undod mewn symudiad.