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creative care / gofal creadigol

Eddie Ladd, Jessica Lerner and Catriona James in the Loft space at Chapter Arts

creative care conversations

get paid and pay another to have a supportive conversation, this could be mentoring or peer support with an artist of your choice

£50 for you and £50 for a peer or mentor per conversation, you may apply for up to three conversations in a series

sgyrsiau gofal creadigol

cael eich talu a thalu un arall i gael sgwrs gefnogol, gallai hyn fod yn fentora neu gefnogaeth cyfoedion gydag artist o'ch dewis

£50 i chi a £50 i gymar neu fentor fesul sgwrs, gallwch wneud cais am hyd at dair sgwrs mewn cyfres

apply for a creative care bursary

Thanks for submitting!

become a member to access these benefits / dod yn aelod i gael mynediad at y buddion hyn

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