The Groundwork Scratch / Scratch Groundwork
Groundwork Collective holds scratch events throughout the year for artists to have space to share creative ideas in their early stages.
Scratch events are for artists, audiences and programmers to come together and engage in creative discussions
Mae Groundwork Collective yn cynnal digwyddiadau scratch trwy gydol y flwyddyn i artistiaid gael lle i rannu eu syniadau creadigol ar gychwyn ei taith artistig
Mae'r digwyddiadau scratch i artistiaid, cynulleidfaoedd a rhaglennwyr ddod at eu gilydd a chael sgwrsio'n greadigol
The Scratchiest Scratch!
Rounding off the summer with the Scratchiest Scratch! Groundwork four artists to share their ideas and earliest stage scratching of movement based performance.
Where: Stiwdio Seligman, Chapter Arts
When: 31st August, 3 - 5 pm
Get the chance to try out ideas with an audience (however rough or ready they may be)
Audiences - be prepared for engaging conversation and light nibbles! This is a free event, but sign up is required to attend (due to audience limited to 30 guests)
This event is being generously supported by Chapter Arts and has received ACW funding.
Y Scratchiest Scratch!
Gorffen yr haf efo’n Scratchiest Scratch! Mae Groundwork yn eich gwahodd i rannu eich syniadau o perfformiad yn seiliedig ar symudiadau ar eu cynharaf.
Ble: Stiwdio Seligman, Canolfan Celfyddydau Chapter
Pryd: 31ain o Awst, 3 -5yh
Gewch chi’r siawns i drio allan eich syniadau efo cynulleidfa (pa bynnag mor arw neu barod ydyn nhw)
Cynulleidfaeodd - byddwch yn barod ar gyfer sgwrs ddifyr a lluniaeth ysgafn! Mae hwn yn ddigwyddiad am ddim, ond mae angen i bawb archebu lle (gan taw dim ond lle i 30 o westeion sydd)
Mae’r digwyddiad yma yn cael ei gefnogi yn hael gan Chapter Arts ac wedi derbyn cyllid CCC.
Meet the Artists
Meet the artists who will be sharing at the Groundwork Scratch event
Date: Saturday 31st August
Time: 3-5pm
Venue: Stiwdio Seligman, Chapter Arts, Market Road, Canton CF5 1QE
Tommy Boost, Ffion Elmer, Wendy Tartarus, Eden Griffiths
Tommy Boost
Tommy Boost is a high-energy performer and creative director specialising in breakdancing and urban dance styles. "Breakin' Blast-Off" is a work in progress performance designed specifically for young children! Tommy Boost, a heroic dancer, must battle shadowy foes and absurd villains to save his city, all the while trying to keep his secret identity intact.
Welsh Translation coming ...
Ffion Elmer
Ffion is a freelance dance artist based in Cardiff, passionate about versatility in her practice and incorporating a variety of movement forms into her work. Ffions piece focuses on finding your strength as a woman, going against gender stereotypes and the idea of “the damsel in distress”. Navigating a typical "male space" that is the gym, this piece will be a reflection through movement on personal feelings, which many women also can relate too.
Welsh Translation coming ...
Wendy Tartarai
Wendy is a Latin dancer and dance fitness instructor originally from Athens, Greece. This piece will be a dynamic Latin evolution. From traditional to modern and vice versa. Highlighting the different energies and emotions of 3 different styles with a genre of Latin music called Bachata.
Welsh Translation coming ...
Eden Griffiths
'Eden is a creative facilitator from Cardiff working through music, movement and word. For this piece Eden is exploring themes related to Celtic mythology and environmentalism by retelling a story of the mythological character known as 'Asrai' through movement incorporating silk fans'.
Welsh Translation coming ...