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creative support / cefnogaeth greadigol

Creative Care Conversations

get paid and pay another to have a supportive conversation, this could be mentoring or peer support with an artist of your choice

sgyrsiau gofal creadigol

cael eich talu a thalu un arall i gael sgwrs gefnogol, gallai hyn fod yn fentora neu gefnogaeth cyfoedion gydag artist o'ch dewis


free studio space at a number of locations in south wales on a weekly basis

gofod stiwdio rhad ac am ddim, yn wythnosol, mewn nifer o leoliadau yn ne cymru 

Scratch Nights 

termly open studio sharings. get the chance to share your work with an audience, structured feedback, and a video recording

nosweithiau scratch

rhannu stiwdio agored bob tymor. cewch gyfle i rannu eich gwaith gyda cynulleidfa, adborth strwythuredig, a recordiad fideo

become a member to access these benefits / dod yn aelod i gael mynediad at y buddion hyn

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