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membership / aelodaeth

get Involved

cymerwch ran

As a member, you get unlimited access to our weekly classes, half price workshops, free studio space with Groundspace, invitation to share work at Scratch nights, access to Creative Care bursaries, oppportunities to teach and a voice in decision making about facilitators and our future program.


scroll down to register

Fel aelod, cewch fynediad diderfyn i’n dosbarthiadau wythnosol, gweithdai hanner pris, gofod stiwdio am ddim gyda Groundspace, gwahoddiad i rannu gwaith yn ystod nosweithiau Scratch, mynediad i fwrsariaethau Gofal Creadigol, cyfleoedd i addysgu a llais yn y broses o wneud penderfyniadau am hwyluswyr a’n rhaglen yn y dyfodol.

sgroliwch i lawr i gofrestru

fifteen dancers dancing in National Dance Company Wales studio

dance. move. make. 

dawns. symud. creu. 




morning technique class

online classes

weekend intensives

dosbarth techneg boreol

dosbarthiadau ar-lein

penwythnosau dwys



weekly improvisation classes and jams

with live musicians

 open to all

dosbarthiadau byrfyfyr wythnosol a jamiau

gyda cherddorion byw

agored i bawb



studio space

scratch nights 

paid peer / mentor conversations

gofod stiwdio

nosweithiau crafu

sgyrsiau cyfoedion/mentor cyflogedig

register as a member of the groundwork collective 
cofrestrwch i fod yn aelod o'r groundwork collective

please tick if you have a teaching practice and would like to facilitate classes

Thanks for joining us! We will be in touch soon with more information and payment options!

Diolch am ymuno a ni! Mi fyddwch mewn cysylltiad yn fuan efo mwy o wybodaeth ac opsiynnau talu!

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