More about Cosmic River / Afon Cosmig...
A drift is a way to move, carried by outside forces. Nondeterminate, the focus of this drift is to allow yourself to be guided by the elements that you encounter in your environment as you move through it, accompanied and altered by these river recordings made with prepared guitar on the Afon Dulais.
This piece happens in 3 continuous movements. You may decide to use the whole duration of the recording to accompany a drift, or use its discrete, shorter segments.
cosmic river offers a way of exploring your neighbourhood, your garden, the interior of your home - on your own, or in the company of a friend or companions (this could be in the same physical place, or remotely- simply begin the recordings simultaneously). Alternatively you may decide to sit somewhere with eyes closed and drift in thought, using the recordings to offer you a world to move through...
I recommend that you listen to these recordings through headphones, and turn the volume to .5 or .6 depending on how loud your device is (this is so that you can hear a mix of the recorded sound in conjunction with the live sounds of your environment).
Please be vigilant if you are walking in a built up area or near roads etc.
cosmic river is the latest in a series of improvised field recordings made on the Afon Dulais, close to my home in Abercych, Pembrokeshire, using a fender stratocaster to capture and express the ongoing, always shifting dance of this river and its place in a wider flow of things.
Let us know where the score leads you, where did you drift?
Mae drifft yn ffordd o symud, sy'n cael ei gludo gan rymoedd allanol. Yn amhendant, canolbwynt y drifft hwn yw caniatáu i chi'ch hun gael eich arwain gan yr elfennau rydych chi'n dod ar eu traws yn eich amgylchedd wrth i chi symud drwyddo, ynghyd â'r recordiadau afon hyn a wnaed gyda gitâr wedi'i baratoi ar Afon Dulais, a'u newid.
Mae'r darn hwn yn digwydd mewn 3 symudiad di-dor. Efallai y byddwch yn penderfynu defnyddio hyd cyfan y recordiad i gyd-fynd â drifft, neu ddefnyddio ei segmentau arwahanol, byrrach.
afon gosmig yn cynnig ffordd o archwilio eich cymdogaeth, eich gardd, y tu mewn i'ch cartref - ar eich pen eich hun, neu yng nghwmni ffrind neu gymdeithion (gallai hyn fod yn yr un man corfforol, neu o bell - dechreuwch y recordiadau ar yr un pryd ). Fel arall, efallai y byddwch yn penderfynu eistedd yn rhywle gyda’ch llygaid ar gau a drifftio yn eich meddwl, gan ddefnyddio’r recordiadau i gynnig byd i chi symud drwyddo...
Rwy'n argymell eich bod yn gwrando ar y recordiadau hyn trwy glustffonau, a throi'r sain i .5 neu .6 yn dibynnu ar ba mor uchel yw eich dyfais (mae hyn er mwyn i chi allu clywed cymysgedd o'r sain wedi'i recordio ar y cyd â synau byw eich dyfais Amgylchedd).
Byddwch yn wyliadwrus os ydych yn cerdded mewn ardal adeiledig neu ger ffyrdd ac ati.
afon gosmig yw’r diweddaraf mewn cyfres o recordiadau maes byrfyfyr a wnaed ar Afon Dulais, yn agos at fy nghartref yn Abercych, Sir Benfro, gan ddefnyddio stratocaster fender i ddal a mynegi dawns barhaus, gyfnewidiol yr afon hon a’i lle mewn ardal ehangach. llif o bethau.
Rhowch wybod i ni ble mae'r sgôr yn eich arwain, ble wnaethoch chi ddrifftio?