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Class every Friday in December '23 will be with Jess Lerner at Chapter Arts, Cardiff


About the class

Responding to what is present in the moment, we can draw out imaginative landscapes which are grounded in the details of the body. Through the simultaneous mapping of our interior landscapes in connection with the exterior space, Jessica Lerner invites you to conjure up emotive scenarios and play out surreal connections. We will explore seamlessly shifting between everyday and stylised movement, exploring our sense of weight – its actual and metaphorical presence in the body – in terms of sensations of substance, as well as an awareness of the layers we accumulate and carry through time.


This class would interest those with some confidence in working with their imagination who are from a variety of creative or therapeutic disciplines and a broad range of physical abilities. Those who are interested in the crossover between dance and visual art would identify with my language and those who work with authentic movement.


Am y Dosbarth

Wrth ymateb i beth sydd yn bresenol yn yr eiliad, gallwn dynnu ar dirluniau dychmygol sydd yn gadarn o fewn manylion y corff. Trwy fapio cydamserol o’n tirluniau mewnol mewn cysylltiad efo gofod allanol, mi fydd Jessica Lerner yn eich gwahodd i hudo senarios teimladwy a chwarae allan cysylltiadau swreal. Mi fyddwn yn archwilio’n ddi-dor symud rhwng symudiadau bob dydd a symudiadau celfydd, archwilio ein synnwyr o bwysau - ei bresenoldeb gwir a trosiadol o fewn y corff - trwy delerau synnhwyrau cynnwys, ynghyd â ymwybyddiaeth o’r haenau rydyn ni’n crynhoi a chario trwy amser.

Mi fydd y dosbarth yma yn diddori rheiny sydd a ychydig o hyder o weithio efo’u dychymyg ac o amryw o ddisgybliaethau creadigol, ac efo ystod eang o allu corfforol. I rheiny sydd â diddordeb yn y cyswllt rhwng dawns a chelf gweledol byddwch yn uniaethu a fy ieithwedd a rheiny sydd yn gweithio efo symudiad pur, gwir.

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