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Krystal Campbell

Class every Thursday in November '23 will be with Krystal Campbell at Chapter Arts, Cardiff

About Krystal



About the class

Fun, creative and physical, this series of classes will be delivered like mini workshops. We'll look at a range of practices, experiences and knowledge gathered over recent years that help to shift the mind and body into its best performance state, considering "performance" as the overall "how" we execute something in any situation, (not just the thing we do when we have an audience.) Influences include practices from Fighting Monkey, Jos Baker, Jasmin Vardimon Company, Laban, Chris Evans and Khyle Eccles. There'll be a range of conditioning, performance and creative techniques, working solo, partnered and ensemble. You may want to have trainers and knee pads at hand for some of the tasks. 


You are invited to bring foam rollers and tennis balls  to assist with class - if you have them! 

please dont worry if you don't have both or any of these things, you will still be able to do the class!! 

Am Krystal


Am Ddosbarth

Hwyliog, creadigol a chorfforol, mi fydd y gyfres yma o ddosbarthiadau yn cael eu cyflwyno fel gweithdai bach. Fyddwn ni’n edrych ar ystod o ymarferion, profiadau a gwybodaeth sydd wedi’i casglu dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf i helpu symud y corff a’r meddwl i’r stad perfformio gorau, wrth ystyried “perfformio” ac yn gyffredinol “sut” rydym yn gweithredu rywbeth mewn unrhyw sefyllfa, (nid dim ond beth rydym yn neud pan mae cynulleidfa). Cawn ysbrydoliaeth gan amryw o ymarferion gan gynnwys Fighting Monkey, Jos Baker, Jasmin Vardimon Company, Laban, Chris Evans a Khyle Eccles. Mi fydd yna ystod o dechnegau cyflyru, perfformio a creadigol, gan weithio’n unigol, mewn partneriaid ac efo’n gilydd. Efallai y byddwch am gael esgidiau ymarfer a phadiau pen-glin wrth law ar gyfer rhai o'r tasgau.

nodwch os gwelwch yn dda:

Fe'ch gwahoddir i ddod â rholeri a pheli tenis i gyd-fynd â'r dosbarth - os oes gennych chi rai! peidiwch â phoeni os nad oes gennych chi'r ddau neu unrhyw rai o'r pethau hyn, byddwch chi dal i allu gwneud y dosbarth!!

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