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Date: 7th, 14th and 21st March

Time: 10am - 11:30am 

Venue: Chapter Arts, Cardiff, The Dance Studio

 Class Description


A class to throw yourself into, try new things and enjoy making mistakes. Focusing on big movement, taking space and lots of laughter with Liam Wallace.


A mixture of Contemporary technique and floor work highlighting performance and the enjoyment of dancing.

Am Dosbarth 


Dosbarth i daflu’ch hunain i fewn, i drio pethau newydd a mwynhau gwneud camgymeriadau. Wrth ffocysu ar symudiadau mawr, llenwi’r gofod a llawer o chwerthin efo Liam Wallace. 


Cymysgedd o dechneg Cyfoes a gwaith llawr gan amlygu perfformio a’r mwynhad o ddawnsio.

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