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Date: Friday 12th, 19th & 26th April

Time: 10am - 11:30am 

Venue: Chapter Arts, Cardiff, The Dance Studio

About Meg Nasse

Meg seeks to explore the inner landscapes of the body. Her movement practice centres around play, curiosity and tuning into the senses. As an experienced yoga practitioner and holistic massage therapist finding access points as a way into the body and deeper connection into all of the parts of the self. Meg came to her first dance class through attending groundwork and encourages any curious bodies, with or without a dance background to come along and give it a go ~ An open invitation to come as you are and respond to the music. 


Class Description


“The fluid presence in our bodies is our fundamental environment; we are the moving water brought to land.” -Emilie Conrad 

In re-awakening our fluid nature we can dissolve constraints and enhance the nursing rhythms of our body that support a state of flow. Through swimming into our intercellular world , responding to what is actually there beneath the surface . I'm particularly interested in the play from doing to being and being to doing, establishing containers/forms and breaking away from them in free movement and how this transforms into our everyday lives. We will explore patterns of ‘The Body as the garden’ responding to the flow of Qi through meridian pathways ,tapping into a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) lens. We’ll initiate movement from various access points -  bones, soft tissue, fluids, organs, bringing in aspects of the five elements, and cycles of energy in the body.   We’ll undulate between inner edges and outer corners, exploring how we move in relation to what we bring.

What happens when we become the thing we already are?


Am Meg Nasses


Mae Meg yn ceisio archwilio tirweddau mewnol y corff. Mae ei hymarfer hi’n cael ei ganoli o fewn chwarae, chwilfrydedd a tiwnio i fewn i’r synhwyrau. Fel ymarferydd profiadol yoga a therapydd tylino cyfannol mae’n chwilio pwyntiau mynediad fel ffordd i fewn i’r corff ac i gael cyswllt dyfnach i bob rhan o’r bod dynol. Daeth Meg i’w dosbarth dawns cyntaf trwy fynychu dosbarthiau Groundwork ac mae’n annog pob corff chwilfrydig, sydd â neu heb brofiad o ddawnsio i ddod i gael tro - gwahoddiad agored i ddod fel rydych ac i ymateb i’r gerddoriaeth.


Am Dosbarth 


“The fluid presence in our bodies is our fundamental environment; we are the moving water brought to land.” -Emilie Conrad 

Mewn ail-ddefroad i’n natur hylifol gallwn hydoddi cyfyngiadau a gwella’r rhythmau nyrsio ein cyrff er mwyn cefnogi cyflwr llif. Trwy nofio i mewn i’n bydoedd rhynggellog, gan ymateb i beth sydd o dan yr wyneb. Mae gen i ddiddordeb mawr o fewn chwarae o wneud i fod, ac o fod i wneud, gan sefydlu cynwysyddion/ffurfiau a torri ohonynt trwy symud yn rhydd a gweld sut gall hyn newid ein bywyd bob dydd. Fe archwiliwn batrymau “Y Corff fel gardd” gan ymateb i lif Qi trwy lwybrau meridian, gan fanteisio ar lens meddygaeth Tsieineaidd draddodiadol (TCM). Byddwn yn cychwyn symudiad o wahanol bwyntiau mynediad - esgyrn, meinwe meddal, hylifau, organau, gan ddod ag agweddau ar y pum elfen, a chylchoedd egni yn y corff. Byddwn yn tonni rhwng ymylon mewnol a chorneli allanol, gan archwilio sut rydym yn symud mewn perthynas â'r hyn a ddaw gyda ni.

Beth sy'n digwydd pan rydyn ni'n dod yn beth rydyn ni'n barod?


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