Sophie (she/her) is a community dance artist from Pembrokeshire who has been working in Cardiff for almost 2 years now. She works as a Dance Leader for Rubicon Dance leading sessions for people between the ages of 3 - 90+ and has a passion for facilitating dance experiences for those who might not get to dance otherwise. Sophie studied a degree in Dance and Choreography at Falmouth University and still flexes her choreographic muscles every so often with her Screendance Collective three moon collective. She also has a history of dancing with Joon Dance and recently joined the team there as Zosia's maternity cover.
Mae Sophie yn artist dawns cymunedol o Sir Benfro sydd wedi bod yn gweithio yng Nghaerdydd ers bron i ddwy flynedd. Mae hi’n gweithio fel Arweinydd Dawns yn Rubicon Dance gan arwain sesiynau i bobl rhwng 3 - 90+ oed ac ag angerdd tuag at hwyluso profiadau dawns i rheiny na fyddai efallai yn cael dawnsio fel arall. Astudiodd Sophie radd mewn Dawns a Choreograffi ym Mhrifysgol Falmouth ac mae’n dal i ystwytho eu chyhyrau coreograffi bob hyn a hyn efo’i Screendance Collective three moon collective. Mae ganddi hanes o ddawnsio efo Dawns Joon ac mae’n ddiweddar wedi ymuno a’r tîm dros gyfnod mamolaeth Zosia.