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Groundwork Collective brings...

Diwrnod Lles Gaeafol

Winter Wellbeing Day

Warm up your body, mind and soul with Groundwork as we wiggle into winter. After the success of our Day of Dance and in response to requests from members, we are offering a taster day of wellbeing focused treats this November.


A nourishing day of movement, breath work, yoga and massage in the welcoming and green setting of Grange Pavilion. A luxurious day for your whole self - without the retreat price tag! 



9:30-10:45: Breathe Well to Feel Well: A seasonal breathing journey with Harriette Wight 

11:00 - 12:15: Dance Yourself Happy with Marega Palser and Ches

12:15 - 13:00: Lunch

13:15 - 14:15: Nourishing Yoga with Sara McGaughey 

14:30 - 16:30: Shiatsu: group session with Sarah Hall



1 session £15

2 sessions £25

3 sessions £35

All 4 sessions £45


We hope to offer a nourishing catered lunch  which we will send details about to those who’ve booked.


Please see workshop details bellow​

Cynheswch eich corff, ymenydd a’ch enaid efo Groundwork wrth symud i mewn i’r gaeaf. Ar ôl llwyddiant ein Diwrnod o Ddawns ac i ateb ymatebion am geisiadau gan aelodau, rydym yn cynnig diwrnod blasu danteithion wedi ffocysu ar les mis Tachwedd yma.


Diwrnod maethlon llawn symud, gwaith anadl, ioga a thyluno yng ngofod croesawgar a gwyrdd Pafiliwn Grange. Diwrnod moethus ar gyfer chi - heb fod a pris encil!



9:30-10:45:  Anadlwch yn dda i Deimlo’n dda: Taith anadlu dymhorol gyda Harriette Wight

10:45 - 12:15: Dawnsiwch eich hun yn hapus gyda Marega Palser a Ches

12:15 - 13:00: Lunch

13:15 - 14:15: Ioga maethlon gyda Sara McGaughey

14:30 - 16:30: Grŵp sesiwn Shiatsu efo Sarah Hall



1 sesiwn £15

2 sesiwn £25

3 sesiwn £35

Y pedwar sesiwn llawn £45


Gobeithion allu cynnig cinio maethlon wedi’i arlwyo a fyddwn yn anfon manylion amdano ar gyfer rheiny sydd wedi archebu.


Please see workshop details bellow


Harriette  Wight

Breathe Well to Feel Well:
A seasonal breathing journey 
​Anadlwch yn dda i Deimlo’n dda: Taith anadlu dymhorol

Saturday 30th November 9:30am-10:45am ​​


About the workshop

In this gentle, guided breathing journey, we’ll explore how breath work can help you feel more energised, calm, and connected throughout the winter months. Using a combination of breathing exercises, simple movements, and carefully curated music, this workshop creates a unique space for you to fully experience the power of your breath. Discover how these practices can enhance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, helping you stay balanced and grounded during the colder season.


About Harriett Wight

Harriette is a certified breathing coach and breath work practitioner supporting people to breathe well so they can sleep better, feel calm and have a natural boost of energy.

As well as working 1:1, Harriette is also shares the power of breathwork with groups including her signature session Breath & Beats, a euphoric breath work experience combining breath work, music and movement which she has delivered at festivals as well as for brands such as Jordans Ryvita, Twinings, Braze, and Savills.

Her love for breath work and breathing practices has stemmed from her 16 years of practising yoga, her previous career in theatre and a passion to support peoples physical and mental wellbeing. ​



​Am weithdy

Yn y siwrne anadlu tywys, tyner yma fe fyddwn ni’n archwilio sut gall gwaith anadl helpu chi deimlo’n fwy egniol, tawel a chysylltiedig trwy gydol misoedd y gaeaf. Gan ddefnyddio cyfuniad o ymarferion anadlu, symudiadau syml a cerddoriaeth wedi guradu’n feddylgar, mi fydd y gweithdy yma’n creu gofod unigryw i chi brofi’n llawn pwer eich anadl. Dewch i ddarganfon sut mae’r ymarferion yma yn gallu gwella eich lles corfforol, meddyliol ac emosiynol, ga helpu chi i aros yn gytbwys a wedi’i daearu drwy gydol y misoedd oerach.


Am Harriette

Mae Harriette yn hyfforddwr anadlu ardystiedig a hwylusydd gwaith anadlu gan gefnogi pobl i anadlu’n well fel gallant gysgu’n well, teimlo tawelwch meddwl a chael hwb naturiol o egni. Ynghyd a gweithio 1:1, mae Harriette hefyd yn rhannu pwer gwaith anadlu efo grwpiau gan gynnwys ei sesiynnau hysbys Breath & Beats, profiad gwaith anadlu ewfforig gan gyfuno gwaith anadlu, cerddoriaeth a symud, mae wedi cyflwyno rhein mewn gwyliau yn ogystal a ar gyfer brandiau megis Jordans Ryvita, Twinings, Braze a Savills.

Mae ei chariad tuag at gwaith anadlu a ymarferion anadlu wedi deillio o'i 16 mlynedd o ymarfer yoga, ei gyrfa blaenorol o fewn y theatr ac angerdd tuag at cefnogi lles corfforol a meddyliol pobl.

Headshot in action.png

Marega Palser & Chas

[Mind your Head, Find your Body]

Dance Yourself Happy

[Gwyliwch eich Pen, Dewch o hyd i'ch Corff]

Dawnsiwch Eich hun yn Hapus

Saturday 30th November 11:00 - 12:15 


About Workshop

Dance yourself Happy is an accessible music-led, yoga-grounded, and human-shaped experience. It’s one which previous participants have described as creating a sense of freedom, self-expression, and joy, “like being 5 years old again!”


Suitable for all ages and abilities, Dance yourself Happy takes participants on a journey, finding a balance between leading the way and creating an environment in which people can explore and follow their own instincts through movement, dance, and stillness.

The sessions are curated to flow along a musical and energetic curve. 

Starting from stillness and ‘landing’ in the body, noticing the sensations present, then using simple Yoga and Qigong exercises to gently warm up the body 

to organically build the energy, until participants are moving freely and instinctively-as individuals and as a community. 

There follows a slowing and cooling down, coming to a gentle and natural close, with a final ‘led’ session, with space allowed for feelings generated by spending time both in one’s own body and within a supportive community of people. 

There is time afterwards for participants to regroup and share feelings if they wish.

The sessions have been delivered in both dance-studio and outdoor community festival settings. Led by practitioners who are long-time collaborators, they can respond in real time to the changing environment and needs of participants.  


Outcomes / benefits 

The health benefits of dance and yoga are both well understood and clearly evidenced for mind, body, and energy. Both activities share many common positive outcomes for participants:


Physical benefits

• Include strength, balance, joint-health, bone-health, and flexibility

 Mental health benefits

  • Include increased levels of serotonin, reduced anxiety and decreasing feeling of stress



About the Artists 

Marega Palser is a performance-based artist, originally trained at the London Contemporary Dance School.


Chas Mulcock is a freelance artist, designer, musician, youth worker and DJ.

Their first creative endeavour was with the Punk band - The Terrorist Ballet dancers From Hell



Am Weithdy 

Mae Dawnsiwch eich hunan yn Hapus yn brofiad hygyrch sy’n cael ei arwain gan gerddoriaeth, wedi’i seilio ar ioga, a siâp dynol. Mae’n un mae cyfranogwyr blaenorol wedi disgrifio fel creu ymdeimlad o ryddid, hunan-fynegiant, a mwynhad, “fel bod yn 5 mlwydd oed eto!”


Addas i bob oed a gallu, mae Dawnsiwch eich hunan yn Hapus yn mynd a’r cyfranogwyr ar siwrne, gan ffeindio cydbwysedd rhwng arwain y ffordd a chreu amgylchedd i bobl archwilio a dilyn greddfau ei hunain trwy symud, dawnsio a llonyddwch. Mae’r sesiynnau wedi’i curadu i lifo ar hyd cromlin cerddorol a egniol. Gan ddechrau o lonyddwch a ‘glanio’ yn y corff, gan sylwi ar y synhwyrau presenol, a wedyn defnyddio ymarferion syml Ioga a Qigong i gynhesu’r corff, i adeiladu egni’n organig, tan bod y cyfranogwyr yn symud yn rhydd a’n reddfol, fel unigolion ac fel cymuned.

Wedyn fyddwn ni’n arafu ac oeri, gan ddod i ddiwedd naturiol a thyner, efo’r sesiwn olaf ‘dan arweiniad’, efo gofod ar gyfer teimladau a greüwyd wrth wario amser yn eich corff eich hun ac efo cymuned cefnogol o bobl o’ch cwympas.

Mae yna amser ar ôl i gyfranogwyr ailgrwpio a rhannu teimladau os hoffent.


Mae’r sesiynnau wedi cael eu cyflwyno mewn lleoliadau stiwdio ddawns a lleoliadau gwyliau cymunedol awyr agored. Dan arweiniad hwyluswyr sydd wedi cydweithio dros amser maith, gallant ymateb yn yr eiliad i’r amgylchedd a anghenion y cyfrangowyr.​​



Am yr Artistiaid 

Mae Marega Palser yn artist seiliedig ar berfformio, yn wreiddiol fe hyfforddwyd yn London Contemporary Dance School.


Mae Chas Mulcock yn artist llawrydd, dylunydd, cerddor, gweithiwr ieuenctid a DJ.

Roedd eu hymdrech greadigol gyntaf gyda’r band pync - The Terrorist Ballet dancers From Hell


Sara McGaughey



Saturday 30th November 13:15 - 14:15


About workshop

Sara's session is Yoga inspired and using a yoga mat as our own little island, we will take our focus inwards and begin with seated grounding and Equal Breath pranayama. Easing gently then through a Slow Flow standing sequence of asanas we'll return to the ground,

and from a guided breath meditation release gently into Savasana.

Some mats will be available, though participants are welcome to bring their own, together with any props they feel may be of benefit to them.


About Sara​​​

Sara trained at the RWCMD and has worked as a professional performer for many years. She has always had a passion for movement, and is a qualified Fitness, Pilates, and Yoga instructor. Her methodology is informed by both her own movement training and practice and from what she has learned and observed over her years of experience. She often combines elements of each when designing her sessions, to create unique movement experiences for those involved. Sara believes that there is never a 'one size fits all' when it comes to planning and delivering her classes, and will happily adapt, in order that participants engage and move in ways they feel most comfortable with, depending on what, as individuals, they may need on any given day.​



Am Weithdy

Bydd sesiwn heddiw wedi'i hysbrydoli gan Ioga a byddwn yn defnyddio mat ioga fel ein hynys fach ein hunain, fe fyddwn yn ffocysu’n fewnol gan gychwyn drwy ddaearu yn eistedd a pranayama Anadl Cyfartal. 

Gan lacio wedyn yn araf trwy ddilyniant sefydlog Llif Araf o asanas byddwn yn dychwelyd i'r ddaear,

ac o fyfyrdod anadl dan arweiniad fe ymgollwn yn ysgafn i Savasana.

Bydd rhai matiau ar gael, er bod croeso i gyfranogwyr ddod â rhai eu hunain, gan gynnwys unrhyw bropiau fyddai o help iddyn nhw.


Am Sara

Hyfforddwyd Sara yn CBCDC ac mae wedi gweithio fel perfformiwr proffesiynol am flynyddoedd. Mae wastad wedi bod ag angerdd am symud ac mae’n hyfforddwraig Pilates, Ioga a Ffitrwydd cymwys. 

Caiff ei methodoleg ei llywio gan ei hyfforddiant symud ei hun a'i hymarfer ac oddi wrth yr hyn y mae hi wedi'i ddysgu a'i arsylwi dros ei blynyddoedd o brofiad. Mae hi'n aml yn cyfuno elfennau o bob un wrth ddylunio ei sesiynau, i greu profiadau symud unigryw ar gyfer y rhai sy'n cymryd rhan.


Mae Sara yn credu nad oes 'un maint i bawb' o ran cynllunio a chyflawni ei dosbarthiadau, a bydd yn hapus i addasu, er mwyn i gyfranogwyr ymgysylltu a symud yn y ffordd mwyaf cyfforddus iddyn nhw, gan ddibynnu ar sut fyddan nhw’n teimlo ar unrhyw ddiwrnod.

Sara McGaughey Yoga.jpg

Sarah Hall

Shiatsu: Group Session

Grŵp sesiwn :Shiatsu 

Saturday 30th November 14:30 - 16:30


About workshop​​

In partners, we will be working with the back of the body and the bladder meridian as we enter winter and the water element to help us slow down and come into rest and reflection which are fundamental to the water element, the most yin time of the year. This session will be an introduction to Shiatsu touch, some basic postural work and techniques and a short back of the body sequence. You will need to wear loose comfy and warm clothes and bring a blanket and cushion.


About Sarah

I have been practising Shiatsu for 11 years. After being a dance and movement practitioner I wanted to train in something therapeutic and Shiatsu was the natural therapy to choose as it is such an embodied practice with strong self and body awareness at its core. I work in private practice, in the workplace, in community settings and teach a foundation course in Cardiff and on the 3 year practitioner training at the Bristol school. I love to share Shiatsu and the wonderful benefits it can bring for our wellbeing and awareness of ourselves 




Mewn partneriad, fe fyddwn yn gweithio cefn y corff a meridian y bledren wrth i ni fynd i mewn i’r Gaeaf ac wrth i’r elfen dŵr ein helpu i arafu lawr a dod i orffwys a myfyrio sydd yn sylfaenol i’r elfen dŵr, yr amser mwyaf yin o’r flwyddyn. Mi fydd y sesiwn yma yn gyflwyniad i cyffyrddiad Shiatsu, gwaith a technegau osgo sylfaenol a dilyniant byr i gefn y corff. Mi fydd angen i chi wisgo dillad llac, cynnes a chyfforddus a dod â blanced a clustog.


Amdan Sarah

Rydw i wedi bod yn ymarfer Shiatsu am 11  flynyddoedd. Ar ôl bod yn hwylusydd dawns a symud roeddwn am hyfforddi mewn rhywbeth mwy therapiwtig a Shiatsu oedd y dewis naturiol gan ei fod yn ymarfer mor ymgorfforedig efo ymwybyddiaeth o’r hun a’r corff wrth wraidd yr hyfforddiant. Dwi’n gweithio mewn lleoliadau preifat, yn y lle gwaith, yn y gymuned ac yn dysgu cwrs sylfaen yn Gaerdydd ac ar yr hyfforddiant 3 mlynedd yn yr Ysgol ym Mryste. Dwi’n caru cael rhannu Shiatsu a’r buddion arbennig y gall roi i’n lles a’n ymwybyddiaeth o’n hunan.

The most cost effective way to pay for class 


Y ffordd fwyaf cost effeithiol o dalu am ddosbarth

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