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Anushiye Yarnell 

Class every Friday in September '23 will be with Anushiye Yarnell with live music by musician Ya Yonder 

Anushiye is an interdisciplinary dance maker and performer whose work is drawn from personal experience, past and future mythologies. Her works examine the intersection of dream and fantasy realms with ordinary life, seeking out connections between day to day experiences of the world and anthropological, philosophical, poetic and artistic frameworks.

Anushiye’s curiosity about the nature of Love as an orbital axis for Humanity, has led her to curate and make work for three international performance Platforms- Animal Love, Heavenly Love and Future of Love Projects, bringing together artists from Japan, Peru, Korea and the UK to to respond to the framing of Love as a question of human identity and self understanding. She is a recipient of Creative Wales Award and Associate Artist of Maynard.


Recent projects include “Syllabus of Darkness” an intergenerational secular Sunday School exploring darkness as a material, a metaphor and a lived experience and Marathon of Intimacies a series of Dance conversions based on the myriad intersections and combinations of “otherness” and “outsiderness" in everyday experiences.

About the workshop

Open to those with a curiosity for moving from sensing and perception.


AN ARRAY OF OPPOSITES draws upon evolutionary/ involutionary developmental resonance and other forms of animal/ plant and other life.

Attuning through an "Array of Opposites”, we will navigate a dance to reconfigure ourselves perceptually

- as symmetrical & asymmetrical, thinking & feeling organisms.

- through continuity & discontinuity.

- shapeshifting between the transformative impressions and sensual mutations between forms.

We will channel spectrums and spectres of our subjective/ objective perceptions- combining dance, dialogue, voice, drawing and writing. How can we inhabit our lives and bodies through a survival which navigates though the complexities of symbiotic relationship rather than adverse reactions of flight, freeze or flight.

We will channel a personally responsive dance to inhabit the “quest” in the question.

Sometimes we hear it said: "On the spectrum"

Yet it is not simply a spectrum between improvisation and composition, between somatically responsive and choreographed specificity.

“Opposition is True Friendship” - William Blake.

Am y gweithdy

Yn agored i'r rhai sydd â chwilfrydedd am symud o synhwyro a chanfyddiad.


Mae AMRYWIAETH O GYFERBYNIADAU yn tynnu ar gyseiniant datblygiadol esblygiadol/anwirfoddol a mathau eraill o fywyd anifeiliaid/planhigyn a bywyd arall. Gan droi trwy "Amrywiaeth o Gyferbyniadau", byddwn yn llywio dawns i ail-gyfunio ein hunain yn ganfyddiadol.

- fel organebau cymesurol ac anghymesur, meddwl a theimlad.

- trwy barhad a diffyg parhad.

- newid siâp rhwng yr argraffiadau trawsnewidiol a'r treigladau synhwyraidd rhwng ffurfiau.


Byddwn yn sianelu sbectrwm a rhagolygon ein canfyddiadau goddrychol/gwrthrychol - gan gyfuno dawns, deialog, llais, lluniadu ac ysgrifennu. Sut gallwn ni fyw yn ein bywydau a'n cyrff trwy oroesiad sy'n llywio trwy gymhlethdodau perthynas symbiotig yn hytrach nag adweithiau niweidiol hedfan, rhewi neu hedfan.


Byddwn yn sianelu dawns ymatebol bersonol i fyw yn y “cwest” o fewn cwestiwn. Weithiau fe glywyn yn cael ei ddweud: "Ar y sbectrwm"Eto i gyd, nid sbectrwm rhwng byrfyfyr a chyfansoddiad yn unig mohono, rhwng penodolrwydd somatig ymatebol a phenodoldeb coreograffi.


“Mae Gwrthwynebiad yn Gyfeillgarwch Gwirioneddol” - William Blake. 

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