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Date: Thursday 2nd, 9th & 16th May

Time: 10am - 11:30am 

Venue: Chapter Arts, Cardiff, The Dance Studio

​Class Description

I enjoy playing with form and release, generally starting standing then moving in and out of the floor, travelling through space and finally awakening our elevation and jump.


I encourage moving from technical structures to more relaxed forms and feelings, using breath and visualisation to help aid the body and mind harmonise in movement.


I enjoy exploring how the body can carve lines and texture through space. Come and dance with me! 



Am Dosbarth 

Dwi'n mwynhau chwarae efo ffurf a rhyddhau, gan gychwyn yn sefyll ac yna ymlaen i symud i mewn ag allan o'r llawr, gan deithio trwy'r gofod gan orffen trwy neidio.


Mi ydw i'n hybu symud o ffurfiau technegol i rai mwy ymlaciedig a theimladau, gan ddefnyddio'r anadl a darluniau i annog y corff a'r ymenydd i weithio efo'i gilydd.


Dwi'n mwynhau sut mae'r corff yn gallu cerfio llinellau a gwead trwy'r gofod. Dewch i ddawnsio efo fi!


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